Board of Directors
Latyna Young, Ed.D.
Shirley Lewis, Esq.
Vice President
Lynette P. Henley
Derry Moten
Scott Peterson
Board Member Since 2003
Rozzana Verder-Aliga, Ph.D.
City Council Liaison
Terrye Davis
Board Member Since 2003
Nona Cohen-Bowman
Dean Hartwig
Tinnetta Rockquemore Thompson, Esq.
Danelle McGrue

Our History
In 1988, concerned citizens of Vallejo and the Vallejo City Council formed a Red Ribbon Committee to explore programs and initiatives that would address the alarming use of alcohol and drugs in Vallejo communities.
That same year, representatives from this Committee, Jane Callahan, Tony Pearsall, Henry Elliott and Cynthia Kay, secured a $2 million grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to support the development of a comprehensive community-lead plan to curtail the substance abuse problems. This Committee and its strategic initiatives sparked the creation of Fighting Back Partnership.
Since that time, Fighting Back Partnership has emerged as one of the leading social service and community development organizations in Vallejo, providing crisis support and economic development for individuals and families and supporting under-served communities to increase safety, eliminate blight, and curtail alcohol and tobacco use among youth.

Who We Support:
Bay Area United Way | Black Infant Health | California Office of Child Abuse Prevention | Children’s Network | Solano Dream Center | City of Vallejo | Drug Safe Solano | Emmanuel Arms Community, Inc. Food Program | Eric Reyes Foundation | Faith Food Friday | First 5 Solano | Kaiser Permanente | LaClinica | Resource Connect Solano | Sierra Foundation | Solano CA Chapter of the Links, Inc | Solano Community College | Solano Community Foundation | Solano Department of Health and Social Services | Solano Family Violence Prevention Center | Solano HEALS | Solano Kids Thrive | Solano Pride Center | Solano Workforce Development Board | Sutter Solano | The Hill Vallejo | Touro University | Vallejo Alumnae Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. | Vallejo City Unified School District | Solano County Office of Education | Yoche Dehe Nation | Valero Benefit for Children