Nurturing Fathers Program
The Nurturing Fathers Program
The Nurturing Father’s Program support and empower Solano County Fathers and Father figures by providing free sessions to assist in ethical leadership, skill building, basic needs, job readiness, financial literacy and additional parenting resources.

I realized that my purpose was to be a father... to be a protector and a leader for my son.
Dwayne Wade
Participants in The Nurturing Fathers Program:
Embrace positive attitudes and beliefs about their capacity to contribute and make a difference
Increase youth engagement in their schools’ and communities’ decision-making processes
Improve their communication and intrapersonal skills
Sharpen their critical thinking and reflective analysis
For more information, contact:
Email: dhoffman@fight-back.org
Phone: 707.648.5230
505 Santa Clara Street, 3rd Floor
Vallejo, CA 94590
Scan the barcode to register or